Here are some ideas on how each of us can contribute and help in our cause:
· All of our board members are volunteers serving the Lord, they have no personal benefit or interest and receive no salary or compensation. Become an advisory board member, the board meets on the third Monday of each month. If you are interested in helping, please come.
· Tell your friends and relatives about UPIC and its cause.
· We need someone with computer knowledge and expertise to help us on the Internet.
· Make a monthly contribution, even if it is as little as $10.00 per month. If you need donation envelopes, please call our office to have these envelopes mailed to you.
· Teach your children to save their change in a piggy bank and bring it to our Spring picnic or Fall dinner. Teach them their change will help a lot of people in the middle East who are hungry.
· UPIC is interested in opening a branch or sister organization in one city in each state. If you have friends or relatives, in other states in the United States, you think would be interested in helping our brothers and sisters in Christ in the Middle East and help our cause, please ask them to call us.
· Please notify us of any change in your address so we can make appropriate corrections. We do not want waste money.
· If you have suggestions, corrections, criticisms, advice, equipment or any other items that can be used, please call or write us.
· If you have old or new clothes, shoes, furniture, medical equipment or any other items that can be used, please deliver them to my office address or call us to send someone to pick it up. We continue to send these items to our needy brothers and sisters in Christ in Egypt through Dr. Mansour. |